Nancy Gould’s food service course is one of the most popular in the North Carolina state prison system, but will these 18 men be able to pull off a fine-dining experience for 60 volunteers behind the gates of Orange Correctional Center? Graduates of “Cook School,” the only program out of 12 saved by the N.C. Department of Corrections, earn community college credits and employable skills — if they can stand the heat and deliver.

Director, Camera One | D.L. Anderson
Audio Production, Camera Two | Mikel Barton
Editor | Brooke Darrah Shuman, D.L. Anderson
Original Score | Ready Singers

Thank You | North Carolina Department of Corrections, Piedmont Community College, Nancy Gould, Nancie McDermott, Southern Foodways Alliance, INDY Week, and all of the inmates and staff of Orange Correctional Center for your cooperation and support.

This film was underwritten by the Southern Foodways Alliance and their Greenhouse Films project, which supports burgeoning food filmmakers through microgrants.